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Ministry of Justice
National Trade Register Office

March 12, 2025

Foreign affairs

European Commerce Registers’ Forum (ECRF)

The European Commerce Registers' Forum – ECRF, established in 2000 at Cardiff, is a nonprofit professional organization of cooperation, that aims to improve services offered by trade registers, by simplifying administrative procedures and creating a legal framework as uniform as possible, contributing to building a favorable environment for starting and carrying out innovative businesses.

To improve laws and regulations that point the activity of the trade register, ECRF organizes annual conferences that bring together all European members. In addition, ECRF promotes the experience exchange within working groups and draws up benchmarking studies in order to determine best practices, trends and developments in the field of registration in the trade register.

In this context, the participation of the National Trade Register Office (as a full member of the ECRF since 2004) at the activities of the Forum represents an acknowledgment of the positive evolution of NTRO, reflected by achieving the presidency of ECRF during 2012/2013.

Organizing the 16th ECRF annual conference in June 2013, in Bucharest, where met trade registers, members of ECRF, as well as representatives of other international organizations (Corporate Registers Forum - CRF, European Commission, World Bank, International Association of Commercial Administrators - IACA), was a good opportunity to increase the international awareness of NTRO. 

See here the list of ECRF members



Corporate Registers Forum (CRF)

Corporate Registers Forum – CRF is an international organization that promotes contact and cooperation between trade registers globally. NTRO is a full member of CRF since 2010. The Forum enables information exchange regarding the trade registers’ systems, their role and responsibilities, operational and management practices, used technologies and answers to trends in the field, as well as the dialog for identifying the issues that impede the efficient management of trade registers, especially in cross-border perspective.

The main activity of the Forum is the annual general assembly, organized by the Chairmanship in office, where are invited to attend members and representatives of other international organizations.

Annual meetings are structured in sections pointed to improving the services offered to the public by the trade registers, as well as to promoting the uniformity between different jurisdictions regarding work procedures that have an impact over the attendance of professionals. 

See here the list of CRF members



International Association of Insolvency Regulators (IAIR)

The International Association of Insolvency Regulators – IAIR represents the international association of organizations with responsibilities in the insolvency proceedings as they are conducted in the member states of the forum.

IAIR was established in 1995, aimed to promote cooperation among entities with an active role in coordinating the development framework and the application of the rules that manage the insolvency proceeding, as well as the strengthening of an internationally recognized forum, able to propose efficient tools to manage these proceedings.

NTRO became a member of the International Association of Insolvency Regulators in 2010.

The Association currently has 28 members including Australia, Canada, China, Ireland, Russian Federation, USA, England, and new members such as Serbia or Latvia. 

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