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Ministry of Justice
National Trade Register Office

March 12, 2025


Info Press

In compliance with G.D. no. 962/2017 on the approval of the charge for the operations carried out by the National Trade Register Office and trade register offices attached to the law courts, art. 2, paragraph (2): “The National Trade Register Office and the trade register offices attached to the law courts releases information to journalists and to mass-media’s representatives free of charge.”

It should be mentioned that “the information released to journalists and to mass-media’s representatives by the National Trade Register Office and the trade register offices attached to the law courts, under the paragraph (2), can be used only for informing the public opinion”, in compliance with the normative act mentioned above.

In order to benefit of the requested information released free of charge, in compliance with the legal provisions mentioned above, we kindly ask you to send us a document attesting your quality of journalist/mass-media representative.

For additional information, please contact the Communications and Foreign Affairs Department at  









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