The Ministry of Justice, through the National Trade Register Office (NTRO), as implementing body, ensure integration with BRIS - Business Registers Interconnection System in compliance with the provisions of Law no. 152/2015 for amending and supplementing certain legal documents regarding registration in the trade register related to the implementation of the Directive 2012/17/EU on the interconnection of central, commercial and companies registers.
The purpose of BRIS is to facilitate the access to information on the companies and their branches set up in EU through:
- assurance of the interconnection of the business registers of EU and European Economic Area Member States, thus facilitating the electronic cooperation and communication between the registers;
- increase the confidence in the European Single Market by ensuring the transparency and the access to up-to-date information;
- a higher degree of legal certainty as to the information in the European business registers.
BRIS consists of:

The project “Romanian Electronic System for interconnection of National Trade Register Office with BRIS”, action number 2016-RO-IA-0041, approved in the programme CEF Telecom 2016 call - Business Registers Interconnection System (CEF-TC-2016-1), financed by the European Union, Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, in compliance with the Grant Agreement No. INEA/ CEF/ ICT/ A2016/ 1193897. Implementation schedule of the project March 2017 – December 2018.