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Ministry of Justice
National Trade Register Office

March 14, 2025

Press release

Legal news regarding the registration and the functioning of sole traders and sole partnerships


Bucharest, January 9, 2017

Starting with 16.01.2017, as result of coming into force of Law no. 182/2016 for approval of Government Emergency Ordinance 44/2008 on carrying out economic activities by sole traders, sole partnerships and family partnerships, the manner of registration and functioning of sole traders, sole partnerships and family partnerships shall be modified.

The main amendments refer to the maximum number of employees and the number of activities which the sole traders/sole partnerships can have in their object of activity, as it follows: “The sole trader can have in its object of activity maximum 5 classes of activities provided by the NACE Code” and “the sole partnership can have in its object of activity maximum 10 classes of activities provided by the NACE Code.”

As regards to the number of employees, “the sole trader can carry out the activities for which it is authorised alone or together with maximum 3 persons employed by him, as employer, with individual contract of employment concluded and registered under the law.”

The sole partnership can employ maximum 8 employees, third persons, with individual contract of employment concluded and registered under the law and can establish contractual relationships, under the law (…)”.

Also, the normative act includes a new article regarding the students who are exempted from the payment of the fees for the operations of registration and authorisation of a sole trader or a sole partnership through the trade register offices attached to the law courts, as well as from the payment of the charges for the assistance services carried out by these offices.

Please note that within 2 years from coming into force of the Law, the sole traders and the sole partnerships whose number of activities included in their object of activity is higher than that stipulated above must ask the competent trade register office for the proper modification of the amendments from the trade register related to the object of activity.

Within 60 days of the fulfilment of those 2 years, the trade register office shall strike off ex officio the sole traders and the sole partnerships which did not operate the modifications imposed by the law into force.

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Communications and Foreign Affairs Department
Mobile: 0752.011.505

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