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Ministry of Justice
National Trade Register Office

February 05, 2025

Important - Archive

sageata Announcement
Taking into consideration the establishment of the extension  of the state of emergency with other 30 days in Romania, during this period, the activity of the National Trade Register Office and of the trade register offices attached to the law courts  shall be carried out through electronic means and/or through corespondence, pursuant to art. 67 of the Decree of the President of Romania no. 240/2020 on the extention of the state of emergency in Romania, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 311 from the 14th of April 2020.
Associated documents:


Military Ordinance no. 12 of May 13, 2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (the form published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 387 of May 13, 2020)
Military Ordinance no. 11 of May 11, 2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (the form published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 377 of May 11, 2020)
Military Ordinance no. 10 of April 27, 2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (the form published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 340 of April 27, 2020)
Military Ordinance no. 9 of April 16, 2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (the form published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 321 of April 16, 2020)
Military Ordinance no. 8 of April 9, 2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (the form published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 301 of April 10, 2020)
Military Ordinance no. 7 of April 4,2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (the form published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 284 of April 4, 2020)
Military Ordinance no. 6 of March 30, 2020 on the establishment of the quarantine measure on the Municipality of Suceava, on some communes in the surrounding area, as well as of a protection area on certain administrative-territorial units in Suceava County (the form published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 262 of March 31, 2020)
Military Ordinance no. 5 of March 30, 2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (the form published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 262 of March 31, 2020)
Military Ordinance no. 4 of March 29, 2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (the form published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 257 of March 29, 2020)
Military Ordinance no. 3 of March 24, 2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19
 (the form published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 242 of March 24, 2020)
Military Ordinance no. 2 of March 21, 2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (the form published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 232 of March 21, 2020)
Military Ordinance no. 1 of March 17, 2020 on some first emergency measures on the people gatherings and cross-border movement of goods
(the form published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 219 of March 18, 2020)


sageata Information
Taking into consideration the provisions of art. 21 of Law no. 26/1990 on the trade register, as republished and subsequently amended and supplemented, corroborated with art. 6 of Law no. regarding the simplification of registration formalities in the trade register of natural persons, family associations and legal persons, their tax registration, as well as the authorization of functioning of legal persons, as subsequently amended and supplemented, by registration in the trade register it is understood both the incorporation of the professional and the registration of amendments, and the registration of other operations that, pursuant to the law, are mentioned in the trade register. The activity of the National Trade Register Office and of the trade register offices attached to the law courts also continues  with regards to the incorporation/registration in the trade register of the professionals that have this obligation, at the same conditions provided for by art. 45 paragraph (1) of the Decree no. 195/2020  on the declaration of the state of emergency in Romania, namely by electronic means, based on the application for registration and the documents annexed to it in electronic form, having incorporated, attached or logically associated the extended electronic signature.


sageata Announcement
Taking into consideration the declaration of the state of emergency on the entire teritory of Romania, for a period of 30 days, the activity of the National Trade Register Office and of the trade register offices attached to the law courts  shall be carried out through electronic means, in compliance with art. 45 of the Decree no. 195/2020  on the declaration of the state of emergency, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 212 from the 16th of March, 2020.
Documente asociate:


sageata INFORMATION regarding the submission of the on the beneficial owner of the legal persons, pursuant to Law no. 129/2019
In compliance with the provisions of art. 19 paragraph (1), (2) and (5) of Law no. 129/2019 on the prevention and combating of money laundering and terrorism financing as well as for amending and supplementing certain normative acts, the National Trade Register Office has operationalised the Register of Beneficial Owners of the companies. Pursuant to art. 56 paragraph (1) of the above mentioned normative act, the legal persons subject to the obligation of registration in the trade register, except the autonomous administrations, national companies and the companies fully or majority held by the state, submit a declaration on the beneficial owner of the legal person for the registration in the Register of Beneficial Owners of the companies, as it follows … 


sageata Legal news: Entering into force of Law no. 129/2019 on the prevention and combating of money laundering and terrorism financing as well as for amending and supplementing certain normative acts
The provisions of Law no. 129/2019 on the prevention and combating of money laundering and terrorism financing as well as for amending and supplementing certain normative acts (into force since the 21st of July, 2019) introduce new notions, as the beneficial owner which, in the sense of the normative act, is the natural person who finally holds or controls the client and/or the natural person on behalf of whom is carried out a transaction, an operation or an activity.

In compliance with the dispositions of art. 19 paragraphs (1), (2) and (5) of the law mentioned above, there are established new attributions for the National Trade Register Office that shall organise a central register where shall be registered data regarding the beneficial owners of the legal persons subject to the obligation of incorporation in the trade register, except the autonomous administrations, national companies and the companies fully or majority held by the state … more details


sageata ONRC initiates a new project financed through UE funds destined to e-government services centred on life events
The National Trade Register Office carries out, as beneficiary, the project “Consolidated and interoperable integrated electronic system of NTRO destined to e-government services centred on life events”, co – financed from the European Regional Development Fund, through the Operational Programme Competitiveness 2014 – 2020. In this regard, on the 4th of April, 2019, the financing contract of the project, carried out during April 4th, 2019 – April 3rd, 2022, was signed …  


sageata Press release regarding the completion of the project “Romanian Electronic System for interconnection of NTRO with BRIS”
On the 31st of December, 2018, the National Trade Register Office (NTRO) completes the implementation of the project “Romanian Electronic System for interconnection of NTRO with BRIS”, action number 2016-RO-IA-0041, approved in the programme CEF Telecom 2016 call - Business Registers Interconnection System (CEF-TC-2016-1), financed by the European Union, Innovation and Networks Executive Agency. 


sageata Implementing the project „Consolidation of the institutional capacity of the National Trade Register Office, of the trade register and of the legal publicity system”
The National Trade Register Office (NTRO), as beneficiary, has been implementing since the 6th of June, 2018 the project “Consolidation of the institutional capacity of the National Trade Register Office, of the trade register and of the legal publicity system”, SIPOCA code 456/ MySMIS119317 code – co-financed from the European Social Fund selected through  the Operational Programme Administrative Capacity 2014-2020 … more details


sageata Initiating the project „Improvement of the processing data capacity and increasing  the reporting performances of NTRO through BIG DATA architectures and technologies”
National Trade Register Office, as beneficiary, has been implementing the project called „Improvement of the processing data capacity and increasing  the reporting performances of NTRO through BIG DATA architectures and technologies”, Code SMIS2014+ no.108513, Project co-financed from the European Fund of Regional Development, through the Operational Programme Competitiveness 2014 – 2020. 


sageata Information note regarding the NTRO’s corespondence on e-mail
Please be informed that some of the messages sent to NTRO, by e-mail, return to the sender with error message because of some technical difficulties independent of our institution. The sender is noted that by the e-mail services supplier regarding the impossibility of sending the e-mail, as well as the reason why this action failed. 


sageata Obligations and sanctions applicable to the liquidators appointed pursuant to the provisions of Law on companies no. 31/1990, as republished and subsequently amended and supplemented
Within a year from the registration date in the trade register of the amendment regarding the dissolution of a company must be also finalised its liquidation, the deadline may be extended with one more year, upon the liquidator’s request, but no more than two times, in compliance with art. 260 of Law no. 31/1990 on companies, as republished, and subsequently amended and supplemented. The liquidators shall be appointed within 60 days from the registration in the trade register of the amendment regarding the dissolution, under the conditions provided for by the law for each legal form. Obligatory deadlines for liquidators … more details


sageata Law no.1/2017 regarding the elimination of several fees and charges into force since 01 February 2017
Starting with 1 February 2017, as a result of coming into force of Law no.1/2017 regarding the elimination of several fees and charges, as well as for amending and supplementing some normative acts, the following fees for the operations for registration in the trade register will not be requested anymore … more details


sageata The Kick-Off Meeting for the “Once-Only” Principle Project (TOOP)
The European Commission launched the “Once-Only” Principle Project (TOOP) on 1st January 2017. This project is part of the EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 and will contribute towards increasing the efficiency of the Digital Single Market. 


sageata Announcement regarding the closing date until the sole traders (PFA) and sole partnerships (II) have to update their object of activity
On the 17th of January 2019, expires the two-year period during which the sole traders (PFA) and sole partnerships (II) can request to the trade register office where the professional office is situated the registration of the amendments regarding the object of activity, as result of coming into force of Law no. 182/2016 for approval of Government Emergency Ordinance 44/2008 on carrying out economic activities by sole traders, sole partnerships and family partnerships. The list of the persons which did not fulfil their obligation related to the modification of the object of activity can be accessed here


sageata Draft normative acts in debate
In compliance with art. 7 of Law no. 52/2003 on decisional transparency in public administration, the Ministry of Justice submits to public debate the Draft Government Decision regarding the setting up near the National Trade Register Office of some activities fully financed from own incomes ... more details


sageata Professionals will have an European unique identifier - EUID
An European unique identifier (EUID) will be allocated to the professionals that will be incorporated in the trade register through the Integrated Electronic System of the National Trade Register Office starting with July 07,2017. This unique identifier will be specified on the certificate of registration released by the trade register offices attached to the law courts ... more details


sageata Trade Register releases certificates of status for the Programme «Start-up Nation - Romania»
Taking into consideration the provisions of the Government no. 10/2017 for stimulating the setting up of new small and medium-sized enterprises, approved with amendments and completions by Law no. 112/2017, please be informed that both the National Trade Register Office and the trade register offices attached to the law courts release to the applicants certificates of status about the data registered in the trade register which are required for the Programme for stimulating the setting up of new small and medium-sized enterprises «Start-up Nation - Romania». … more details


sageata Legal news regarding the registration and the functioning of sole traders and sole partnerships
Starting with 16.01.2017, as result of coming into force of Law no. 182/2016 for approval of Government Emergency Ordinance 44/2008 on carrying out economic activities by sole traders, sole partnerships and family partnerships, the manner of registration and functioning of sole traders, sole partnerships and family partnerships shall be modified … more details


sageata Draft normative acts in debate
In compliance with art. 7 of Law no. 52/2003 on decisional transparency in public administration, the Ministry of Justice submits to public debate the Draft Government Decision regarding the setting up near the National Trade Register Office of some activities fully financed from own incomes ... more details


sageata NTRO sustains the campaign for “Robbery Crime Prevention”, run by DGPMB
NTRO sustains the information campaign on robberies prevention from the professionals’ offices, carried out based on the National Priority Program   “Robbery Crime Prevention” – 2015 for their education and their anticrime and antivictimal training. We consider that being well informed represents the first step for increasing the level of safety and protection for the citizens, implicitly for the professionals, but also for avoiding such unpleasant experiences ... more details


sageata NTRO, part of the trade registers interconnection system from EU member states
Monday, on 13 July 2015, it was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, Law no. 152/2015 on amending and supplementing several normative acts in the field of registration in the trade register, which transposes the Directive 2012/17/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2012 amending Council Directive 89/666/EEC and Directives 2005/56/EC and 2009/101/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the interconnection of central, commercial and companies registers ... more details


sageata Quick access to free information from the EU insolvency registers NTRO, part of the project carried out by the European Commission
Citizens and the representatives of the business environment have quick access, in Romanian, to free information regarding entities being in insolvency from seven EU member states. The service is available on the European portal e-Justice ( For more information, click here

sageata The legal regime of information regarding the professionals registered in the trade register
If you decide to open a business, it is important to note that all the data filled in applications submitted to the trade register offices attached to the law courts becomes public information together with their registration in the trade register and publication in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part IV or Part VII. Which are the legal provisions regulating this? Firstly, according to art. 4 paragraph 1 of Law no. 26/1990 regarding the Trade Register, as republished, and subsequently amended and supplemented, the trade register is public ... more details
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